Thursday, 31 March 2011

Magic of the trees

Forest untouched by human hand, full of trees of all ages, all types and sizes is more than just a mysterious and magical place - it is one of the natural reservoirs of energy. Forested areas were in ancient times and modern watchtowers and conservation of universal forces, which manifest themselves on earth in the form of plants. Forest itself is a great place to practice all sorts of magic, not only related to trees. Any tree in the world suitable for celebrating the magic. Because each kind has different characteristics and specific power, after introducing the technology warns of action and uses.

Remember that the magic of trees need not be limited only to those species, since each has its own strengths, which differ in various respects. You have to experiment! All trees, except for those poisonous (such as yew and hemlock), ideally suited for use in healing magic. Virtually each of them can be used to remove the headaches, adding the energy or to have a look into the future. We only restrict our inhibitions and behavior. It is very important to talk to the tree (trees), with which we practice magic. Tell them exactly to your need. Explain how it took and why it is so important. Trees are living entities with their own consciousness, which, though different from ours, is able to communicate at subtle levels of consciousness.

Although the old spells may require you to pocket the nails in the tree, please do not do that. It is not only destructive and harmful in relation to the behavior, but also completely unnecessary since you can always use other ways. Some of these spells in this article require the symbols on the leaves. Perfect for this purpose is charred at one end of the stick, because the charcoal will be written down just like the graphite pencil. Practice its use until it starts to leave you well.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Precognition of Zola and Maeterlinck

Emile Zola has always believed that he will die as a result of gas poisoning. What is tragic, but also interesting, that is what was the cause of his death. Another well-known writer, Maurice Maeterlinck, who believed that some people manages a kind of foreboding for the future. Similar stories przytrafiały But not only celebrities. Different types of precognition and premonitions can occur according to the scholars universally to all people, even those who do not have in his opinion, any unusual talents. However, it seems that this is nevertheless an extremely subtle and elusive, requiring the researchers a lot of patience. Let us hope that someday they will be able to explore the riddle of whether the human brain can actually look into the future.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

William T. Steadt

William T. Steadt - spiritist and journalist was accompanied by a lifelong belief that he would not die in the normal way. Although he believed that it will be trampled by the crowd, was killed in 1912 during the Titanic disaster. But what is most interesting, in 1892 wrote a history Steadt ship named "Majestic", the crew set sail on a rescue effort for the crew of the ship, which collided with an iceberg, which gave rise to a clear association with the famous disaster. Proponents of the theory that predicted the sinking of the Titanic mention yet another article from 1886.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Premonitions of american presidents

Premonitions of death was accompanied by two other American presidents, who died at the hands of assassins. They were James Garfield and William McKinley. Equally surprising, though far less tragic story happened to Carl Gustav Jung at the time of the wedding, where he stayed as a guest. Leaving aside the debate on criminal psychology with one of the guests hastily invented a hypothetical story which as it turned out, was the exact story of a man who was sitting next to him ... Equally unusual incident happened to Charles Dickens, who once dreamed of a woman in a red shawl, who presented herself to him as "Ms. Napier". How great was his astonishment when a few hours later he met a woman of the same identity.

Monday, 14 March 2011

The dream of Abraham Lincoln

Jedna z najsłynniejszych historii dotyczących prekognicji wiąże się z Abrahamem Lincolnem, który przeczuwał zbliżającą się śmierć. Przed feralnym strzałem z ręki J.W. Bootha, Lincoln miał sen, który nawet zanotował. W swej relacji pisał: "Tego dnia położyłem się spać dość późno, wkrótce miałem sen. Miałem w nim wrażenie, że wokół mnie panuje spokój i cisza, jednak atmosfera w dziwny sposób kojarzyła mi się ze śmiercią. Niebawem usłyszałem też stłumiony płacz kilku osób. We śnie wstałem z łóżka i ruszyłem schodami w dół. Przechodząc z jednego pokoju do drugiego nie spotykałem nikogo, ale nadal słyszałem przejmujący płacz. We wszystkich pomieszczeniach paliło się światło, jednak nie wiedziałem, gdzie znajdują się żałobnicy i dlaczego tak bardzo rozpaczają. Nie rozumiałem tego i byłem bardzo zaniepokojony. Wstrząśnięty cała sytuacją, zdecydowałem się iść przed siebie, aby odkryć przyczynę tej niezwykłej sytuacji. Szedłem dalej, aż stanąłem w pewnym pomieszczeniu leżącym we wschodnim skrzydle Białego Domu. To, co ujrzałem bardzo mnie zaskoczyło. Przede mną stał katafalk, na którym spoczywało ciało otoczone przez żołnierzy i tłum ludzi. Niektórzy w zasmuceniu spoglądali na ciało. Twarz nieboszczyka była zakryta. Zapytałem jednego z żołnierzy, kto umarł. Ten odpowiedział: - Prezydent. Zginął od kuli zamachowca."

Friday, 11 March 2011


Precognition is a collective term for the anomalous condition in which the person has knowledge of the incident before it becomes a reality. This phenomenon can occur in several variants, including premonitions, predictions and prophecies. It can also occur in the form of a dream.

Feeling in terms of parapsychology, are referred to as a warning against future dangers, taking a variety of forms - from emotional excitement, and hallucinations or other type of visual and auditory sensations. Foreboding predictions differ from the mainly content details. The latter should in fact more accurately characterize the location, time and character of future events.

From theory to practice, however, let's move on. There are at least a few scientific attempts to explain this to the source of precognition and that in her case, unknown to science, and operate independent of human strength, or whether it is engaged in the active brain. Recent research on the nature of our reality, and sometimes suggest that in the near future we can perhaps point to a number of subtle dependencies responsible for why some people manage to successfully predict future events, and can even use this skill for their own purposes.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

The cyberstalking problem

The cyberstalking phenomenon is defined as the use of information technology, particularly the Internet, by a single person or group of persons to harass another individual, group of persons or an entire organization. This behavior includes false accusations, monitoring, threats, identity theft, damage to equipment or data, forcing the other person with sexual intentions and gather information about them to abuse.

There asome websites that help the victims of cyberstalking. Remember that stalking is punishable by law, you can find a lot of information about cyberstalking law on StalkInfo's website. On this site you can also find out if someone is stalking you on the Intenet.